Criticizing Hong Kong
1. Colonialism, nationalism and modernity
1.1. Hong Kong as a marginal place of the mainstream Chinese culture
1.2. Hong Kong as a model of modern and western society
1.3. Hong Kong as a symbol of colonialism and national shame.
「香 港雖然各到各處都是中國人,香港人的基礎,始終建立在我們中國人身上,但它已經缺少中國的氣息,失去中國的靈魂。… …大部份的香港居民已像一堆堆從爐鍋裡掏出來的煤渣,精華既被吸盡,剩下來的那點乾枯無用的骸骨就被拋在街頭,連過路的野狗見了也不會對他們回頭了。」 (屠仰慈,轉引自王宏志、李小良、陳清僑1997)
1.4. Hong Kong as a miniature of modern China... ...
1.5. Hong Kong as a negative image of human culture and society
「作 為土生土長的香港人,我們親眼見過五、六零年代香港社會的黑暗和腐敗情況(更不要說三、四零年代了),自然不可否認上面的描述都是事實。然而,在閱讀了這 許多負面的書寫後,我們不能不問一句:這是不是香港的全部?人們要去書寫香港時,是不是唯一的目的就是要暴露它醜惡的一面?這種論述策略的動機在哪裡?盧 瑋鑾說過,『香港的憂鬱』,在於人們總『不忘挖她的瘡疤』。」(自王宏志、李小良、陳清僑1997:62)
1.6. From the perspective of the modern Chinese intellectual, Hong Kong was portrayed as a part of China as a nation in crisis
2. Criticism of the local society
2.1. Chinese left-wing artists (neo-realist) of the 1930s (e.g 孫瑜 and 袁牧之)
2.2. Social critique in the 1950s and 1960s: poverty, class inequality and social solidarity
-Example I: 《細路祥》(1950, 導演:馮峰)
-Example II: 《可憐天下父母心》(1960, 導演:楚原)
2.3. From social critique to cynicism ( 犬儒主義)
-The opinions of those inclined to disbelieve in human sincerity, virtue and altruism.
-Example I: 《香港73》(1974)[disk B 09:53]
-Example II: 《半斤八兩》(1976)
2.4. From cynicism to conformism (順從習性) and fatalism(宿命論)
3. Cultural Critique of “New” Capitalism
3.1. In the 70s, the new generation of Hong Kong intellectuals began to criticize Hong Kong society and culture with the theories and jargons of the radical politics of the 60s in the West.
3.2. “Mass culture”: Herbert Marcuse, Eric Fromm, … … (Frankfurt School)
3.3. Hong Kong cultural industry flourished along with the popularity of pornography, comic books, … …
3.4. Hong Kong was seen as a model of capitalist culture dominated by commodity-money value and technical rationalization.
3.5. Examples:《文化新潮》(e.g. 曾澍基)、《號外》(早期)
3.6. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, a number of young intellectuals joined the cultural industry (including news filmmaking, TV production, newspaper, … …) for struggling against the dominant culture.
4. Culturalizing “Hong Kong”
4.1. Lui Tai Lok(<自成一體的香港社會>)
4.2. Ng Chun Hung (梁款)
4.2.1. He accepts Lui's statements about Hong Kong’s local consciousness.
4.2.2. He rejects “moralism”(道德主義)that sees popular culture as merely a kind of cultural domination imposed by capitalism.
4.2.3. He recognizes the subversive “potentialities” within popular culture, the basis of Hong Kong local consciousness.
4.3. Rey Chow (周蕾, Writing Diaspora): “Hong Kong” occupies a position of “in-between”, a kind of politico-historical consciousness in the post-Cold War era.
5. Hong Kong in crisis
5.1. 「有咁耐風流,有咁耐折墮!」
5.2. The identity of Hong Kong as a city of stability and prosperity was shattered.
5.3. A society and economy without solid foundation
5.4. The "Hong Kong" dream is gone.
5.5. Hong Kong government and Tung Chee Wah were to blame.
5.6. Two responses to political cynicism
5.6.1. The post-SARS symptom: people's anger-->government's call for optimism and social solidarity/harmony
-Example I: 《金雞》and《金雞 II》
-Example II: 《1:99電影行動》
5.7.2. Critique of banalism(甘於平庸) and anti-intellectualism(反智)
-Example: East Wing West Wing
5.7.3. Critique of "Hong Kong Ideology" and "Central values" (Lung Ying Tai)
6. Concluding remarks
6.1. Social criticism is trivialized as bad-mouthing (唱衰) vs. praising (唱好)
6.2. Social conformism, social critique or social reform?
Ku, Agnes s. 2002. "Postcolonial Cultural Trends in Hong Kong: Imagining the Local, the National, and the Global." Crisis and Transformation in China's Hong Kong. Edited by Ming K. Chan and Alvin Y. So. NY and London: M. E. Sharpe.
1.1. Hong Kong as a marginal place of the mainstream Chinese culture
1.2. Hong Kong as a model of modern and western society
1.3. Hong Kong as a symbol of colonialism and national shame.
「香 港雖然各到各處都是中國人,香港人的基礎,始終建立在我們中國人身上,但它已經缺少中國的氣息,失去中國的靈魂。… …大部份的香港居民已像一堆堆從爐鍋裡掏出來的煤渣,精華既被吸盡,剩下來的那點乾枯無用的骸骨就被拋在街頭,連過路的野狗見了也不會對他們回頭了。」 (屠仰慈,轉引自王宏志、李小良、陳清僑1997)
1.4. Hong Kong as a miniature of modern China... ...
1.5. Hong Kong as a negative image of human culture and society
「作 為土生土長的香港人,我們親眼見過五、六零年代香港社會的黑暗和腐敗情況(更不要說三、四零年代了),自然不可否認上面的描述都是事實。然而,在閱讀了這 許多負面的書寫後,我們不能不問一句:這是不是香港的全部?人們要去書寫香港時,是不是唯一的目的就是要暴露它醜惡的一面?這種論述策略的動機在哪裡?盧 瑋鑾說過,『香港的憂鬱』,在於人們總『不忘挖她的瘡疤』。」(自王宏志、李小良、陳清僑1997:62)
1.6. From the perspective of the modern Chinese intellectual, Hong Kong was portrayed as a part of China as a nation in crisis

2.1. Chinese left-wing artists (neo-realist) of the 1930s (e.g 孫瑜 and 袁牧之)
2.2. Social critique in the 1950s and 1960s: poverty, class inequality and social solidarity
-Example I: 《細路祥》(1950, 導演:馮峰)
-Example II: 《可憐天下父母心》(1960, 導演:楚原)
2.3. From social critique to cynicism ( 犬儒主義)
-The opinions of those inclined to disbelieve in human sincerity, virtue and altruism.
-Example I: 《香港73》(1974)[disk B 09:53]
-Example II: 《半斤八兩》(1976)
2.4. From cynicism to conformism (順從習性) and fatalism(宿命論)
半斤八兩 做到隻積咁o既樣
半斤八兩 濕水炮仗點會響
半斤八兩 夠薑呀"手查"支鎗走去搶
出o左半斤力 想話"手羅"番足八兩
家陣惡搵食 邊有半斤八兩咁理想〔吹漲〕
半斤八兩 就算有福都冇你享
半斤八兩 慘過滾水淥豬腸
半斤八兩 雞碎咁多都要啄
出o左半斤力 想話"手羅"番足八兩
家陣惡搵食 邊有半斤八兩咁理想〔吹漲〕
重唱 *

3.1. In the 70s, the new generation of Hong Kong intellectuals began to criticize Hong Kong society and culture with the theories and jargons of the radical politics of the 60s in the West.
3.2. “Mass culture”: Herbert Marcuse, Eric Fromm, … … (Frankfurt School)
3.3. Hong Kong cultural industry flourished along with the popularity of pornography, comic books, … …
3.4. Hong Kong was seen as a model of capitalist culture dominated by commodity-money value and technical rationalization.
3.5. Examples:《文化新潮》(e.g. 曾澍基)、《號外》(早期)
3.6. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, a number of young intellectuals joined the cultural industry (including news filmmaking, TV production, newspaper, … …) for struggling against the dominant culture.
4. Culturalizing “Hong Kong”
4.1. Lui Tai Lok(<自成一體的香港社會>)
4.2. Ng Chun Hung (梁款)
4.2.1. He accepts Lui's statements about Hong Kong’s local consciousness.
4.2.2. He rejects “moralism”(道德主義)that sees popular culture as merely a kind of cultural domination imposed by capitalism.
4.2.3. He recognizes the subversive “potentialities” within popular culture, the basis of Hong Kong local consciousness.
4.3. Rey Chow (周蕾, Writing Diaspora): “Hong Kong” occupies a position of “in-between”, a kind of politico-historical consciousness in the post-Cold War era.
5. Hong Kong in crisis
5.1. 「有咁耐風流,有咁耐折墮!」
5.2. The identity of Hong Kong as a city of stability and prosperity was shattered.
5.3. A society and economy without solid foundation
5.4. The "Hong Kong" dream is gone.
5.5. Hong Kong government and Tung Chee Wah were to blame.
5.6. Two responses to political cynicism
5.6.1. The post-SARS symptom: people's anger-->government's call for optimism and social solidarity/harmony
-Example I: 《金雞》and《金雞 II》
-Example II: 《1:99電影行動》
5.7.2. Critique of banalism(甘於平庸) and anti-intellectualism(反智)
-Example: East Wing West Wing
5.7.3. Critique of "Hong Kong Ideology" and "Central values" (Lung Ying Tai)
6. Concluding remarks
6.1. Social criticism is trivialized as bad-mouthing (唱衰) vs. praising (唱好)
6.2. Social conformism, social critique or social reform?
Ku, Agnes s. 2002. "Postcolonial Cultural Trends in Hong Kong: Imagining the Local, the National, and the Global." Crisis and Transformation in China's Hong Kong. Edited by Ming K. Chan and Alvin Y. So. NY and London: M. E. Sharpe.