Nationalizing Hong Kong (Feb 20)
1. Nationalism (國/民族主義)and ideology
1.1. Nationalist movement is an ideological and political movement pursuing political and cultural sovereignty.
1.2. It is mostly organized and led by elites and intellectuals.
1.3. Two traditions:
-France: republic tradition and people's sovereignty
-Germany: cultural nationalism based on common blood ties, language, custom, ... ...
2. Nationalism and imagined communities (想象共同體,Benedict Anderson)
2.1. Four characteristics of national imagination:
-Despite the limitation of individual's experience, one is attached to a large sense of community.
-Yet most imagined nations are geographically bounded within admistrative territories.
-It is imagined as a sovereign and independent power.
-It subsumes all other communities (imagined or geographical) within its territory.
2.2. The means of imagination
-Common and vernacular language
-Sense of simultaneity within a boundary
-Historical narratives
2.3. Mass media play an important role in national imagination
Examples: Cantonese soap opera and popular song
References: Benedit Anderson《想像的共同體 : 民族主義的起源與散布》
3. Hong Kong and nationalism in the post-war era (50s and 60s)
3.1. Pro-communist organization versus pro-KMT organization
3.2. A strong sense of belonging to the "motherland"
3.3. National imagination and anti-colonial sentiment
Example: 《細路祥》(導演/馮峰)
4. The rise of "Hong Kong" as an imagined community (70s)
4.1. After the riot of 1967, the influence of political nationalism is in decline.
4.2. Historical background:
-The regime of MacLehose: Public housing and ICAC
-Economic recovery from the oil and financial crisis (after 1973).
4.3. The local cultural industry was flourishing in the 1970s
4.4. Cultural nationalism became popular (Bruce Lee's movies).
References: 呂大樂<自成一體的香港社會>
5. "Hong Kong" in the shadow of national sovereignty
5.1. Historical background:
-The anxiety over Hong Kong's future (before the Sino-British Joint Declaration)
-The economic reform and open policy

5.2. Hong Kong as a way of life
"The current social and economic systems in Hong Kong will remain unchanged, and so will the life-style."
5.3. Hong Kong and political autonomy
「民族回歸,民主治港」、「高度自治」(a high degree of autonomy)
5.4. New cultural nationalism
Examples: 無線:汪明荃的「勇敢的中國人」;亞視:《大俠霍元甲》與《陳真》
5.5. Feeling of insecruity: "being threatened" by China and "being abandoned" by Britain
Example: 《省港旗兵》(1984)and《省港旗兵續集》(1987)
6. 1989:Tiananmen Massascre
6.1. The violence of the Chinese nation-state
6.2. The mass rally in Hong Kong (One million people took to the street)
6.3. Patriotism and democratic movement (支聯會:香港市民支援愛國民主運動聯合會)

6.4. "A traumatic plot" in narrating Hong Kong: The violence of Chinese Communist Party
Example: John Woo's Bullet in the Head (喋血街頭, 1990) and Taylor Wong's Stars and Roses (愛人同志, 1990)
6.5. Some common features of this plot:
-The state violence in the eyes of Hong Kong people
-An unexpected and unprecedented incident
-Sympathetic (支援) and alienated/fear
7. Local identity (1989-1997)
7.1. Rewriting Hong Kong history by the Beijing government and pro-Beijing scholars
7.2. Intellectual and literary discussion: Pursuing local and unique identities: ambivalent, hybrid and in-between.
Examples:《狂城亂馬》(1996, 心猿)、《今天:香港專輯》(1995)
7.3. Exploring Hong Kong experiences in popular culture
-Tsui Hak's Once upon a time in China〔《黃飛鴻》系列, the early 1990s〕: Creating parables of "Hong Kong"
-Wong Kar-Wai's Chung King Express[1994]: A place and time in transition (RES AVE 987.83 2044 )
-Fruit Chan's Made in Hong Kong[1997]: The death of "Hong Kong's way of life"(RES AVE 987.83 2323 )
-Peter Chan's Comrades--Almost a Love Story[1997]: Hong Kong identity in exile (AVE 987.83 2433 )
8. The spread of official nationalism and patriotism (1997-)
彭定康1998《 東方與西方 : 彭定康治港經驗》台北:時報
Patten, Chris. 1998. East and west : the last governor of Hong Kong on power, freedom and the future . London: Macmillan.
1.1. Nationalist movement is an ideological and political movement pursuing political and cultural sovereignty.
1.2. It is mostly organized and led by elites and intellectuals.
1.3. Two traditions:
-France: republic tradition and people's sovereignty
-Germany: cultural nationalism based on common blood ties, language, custom, ... ...
2. Nationalism and imagined communities (想象共同體,Benedict Anderson)
2.1. Four characteristics of national imagination:
-Despite the limitation of individual's experience, one is attached to a large sense of community.
-Yet most imagined nations are geographically bounded within admistrative territories.
-It is imagined as a sovereign and independent power.
-It subsumes all other communities (imagined or geographical) within its territory.
2.2. The means of imagination
-Common and vernacular language
-Sense of simultaneity within a boundary
-Historical narratives
2.3. Mass media play an important role in national imagination
Examples: Cantonese soap opera and popular song
References: Benedit Anderson《想像的共同體 : 民族主義的起源與散布》
3. Hong Kong and nationalism in the post-war era (50s and 60s)
3.1. Pro-communist organization versus pro-KMT organization
3.2. A strong sense of belonging to the "motherland"
3.3. National imagination and anti-colonial sentiment
Example: 《細路祥》(導演/馮峰)
4. The rise of "Hong Kong" as an imagined community (70s)
4.1. After the riot of 1967, the influence of political nationalism is in decline.
4.2. Historical background:
-The regime of MacLehose: Public housing and ICAC
-Economic recovery from the oil and financial crisis (after 1973).
4.3. The local cultural industry was flourishing in the 1970s
4.4. Cultural nationalism became popular (Bruce Lee's movies).
References: 呂大樂<自成一體的香港社會>
5. "Hong Kong" in the shadow of national sovereignty
5.1. Historical background:
-The anxiety over Hong Kong's future (before the Sino-British Joint Declaration)
-The economic reform and open policy

5.2. Hong Kong as a way of life
"The current social and economic systems in Hong Kong will remain unchanged, and so will the life-style."
5.3. Hong Kong and political autonomy
「民族回歸,民主治港」、「高度自治」(a high degree of autonomy)
5.4. New cultural nationalism
Examples: 無線:汪明荃的「勇敢的中國人」;亞視:《大俠霍元甲》與《陳真》
5.5. Feeling of insecruity: "being threatened" by China and "being abandoned" by Britain
Example: 《省港旗兵》(1984)and《省港旗兵續集》(1987)
6. 1989:Tiananmen Massascre
6.1. The violence of the Chinese nation-state
6.2. The mass rally in Hong Kong (One million people took to the street)
6.3. Patriotism and democratic movement (支聯會:香港市民支援愛國民主運動聯合會)

6.4. "A traumatic plot" in narrating Hong Kong: The violence of Chinese Communist Party
Example: John Woo's Bullet in the Head (喋血街頭, 1990) and Taylor Wong's Stars and Roses (愛人同志, 1990)
6.5. Some common features of this plot:
-The state violence in the eyes of Hong Kong people
-An unexpected and unprecedented incident
-Sympathetic (支援) and alienated/fear
7. Local identity (1989-1997)
7.1. Rewriting Hong Kong history by the Beijing government and pro-Beijing scholars
7.2. Intellectual and literary discussion: Pursuing local and unique identities: ambivalent, hybrid and in-between.
Examples:《狂城亂馬》(1996, 心猿)、《今天:香港專輯》(1995)
7.3. Exploring Hong Kong experiences in popular culture
-Tsui Hak's Once upon a time in China〔《黃飛鴻》系列, the early 1990s〕: Creating parables of "Hong Kong"
-Wong Kar-Wai's Chung King Express[1994]: A place and time in transition (RES AVE 987.83 2044 )
-Fruit Chan's Made in Hong Kong[1997]: The death of "Hong Kong's way of life"(RES AVE 987.83 2323 )
-Peter Chan's Comrades--Almost a Love Story[1997]: Hong Kong identity in exile (AVE 987.83 2433 )
8. The spread of official nationalism and patriotism (1997-)
彭定康1998《 東方與西方 : 彭定康治港經驗》台北:時報
Patten, Chris. 1998. East and west : the last governor of Hong Kong on power, freedom and the future . London: Macmillan.
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